New International Scientific Board
Since December 2024, The International Scientific Board of our journal has 17 members.
Posted: 2025-01-07
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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! / Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
Posted: 2024-12-23
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XXVIII International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society / XXVIII Międzynarodowy Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego
The meeting of the Polish Heart Journal (Kardiologia Polska) Reviewers and Scientific Board took place on Friday, September 20 2024, during the 28th International Congress of the Polish Society of Cardiology in Katowice. During this traditional annual event which about 60 supporters of our journal attended, the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Anetta Undas, summarized the year 2023 in the Journal (including acceptance rates of 11% for original papers and >50% for short communications; total number of submissions 580, a median time since submission to the first decision 28 days). The return to the highest ever Impact Factor of 3.7 (the top quartile in cardiology) was celebrated and promising estimations indicating big chances of achieving the 2024 IF above 4.0 were presented. Diplomas and medailles were handed to researchers who largely contributed to the recent success of the journal: the best cited authors, most citing investigators and the most active reviewers from 2023; the lists of award winners are below. Our Journal has became a recognised title which proves a huge potential of Polish cardiologists interested in science.
Posted: 2024-09-26
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The online meeting of the Editorial Team / Spotkanie online Zespołu Redakcyjnego
A recent online meeting of the Editorial Team of the Polish Heart Journal (Kardiologia Polska) was held on July 8. During the meeting, we discussed the latest Clarivate ranking of scientific journals and citations of articles in 2023. We summarized the last 6 months of editorial work and publishing strategy in following months. A new associate editor, Dr. Mateusz Tajstra from Zabrze was introduced; he will replace Prof. M. Lesiak since September 1, 2024. New initiatives to enhance the visibility of our journal in social media were presented to be launched till the end of July 2024. The session of our journal at the upcoming Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society in Katowice was planned.
Posted: 2024-07-10
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New Impact Factor 2023
Dear Authors, Reviewers, and Readers,
We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Impact Factor of "Kardiologia Polska" is 3.7. Thank you to all authors and reviewers who have contributed to this success of our journal.
Editorial Team
Posted: 2024-06-20
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87th Spring Conference of the Polish Cardiac Society and the 16th Conference of Polish Heart Journal / 87. Wiosenna Konferencja PTK i XVI Konferencja „Kardiologii Polskiej”
We would like to thank you for participating in the session of "Polish Heart Journal", which took place on Saturday, 13.04.2024, during the 87th Spring Conference of the Polish Society of Cardiology, organized by Prof. Agnieszka Tycińska from the Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine at the Medical University of Bialystok. The entire event was held at the Podlaska Opera and Orchestra in Białystok.
Posted: 2024-04-19
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Happy Easter 2024! / Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych!
Posted: 2024-03-28
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87th Spring Conference of the Polish Cardiac Society and the 16th Conference of Polish Heart Journal
Zapraszamy do udziału w 87. Wiosennej Konferencji PTK oraz XVI Konferencji „Kardiologii Polskiej”. Konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 13–14 kwietnia 2024 roku w gmachu Opery i Filharmonii Podlaskiej w Białymstoku.
Posted: 2024-02-21
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We would like to thank all the reviewers who review manuscripts submitted to Polish Heart Journal.
Posted: 2024-02-06
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"Kardiologia Polska" is now "Polish Heart Journal"
We would like to announce that on January 1, 2024 our journal will be called “Polish Heart Journal”. The Polish version of the title will be maintained in databases as a translation of the English title.
Posted: 2024-01-11
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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! / Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
Posted: 2023-12-22
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The online meeting of the Editorial Team / Spotkanie online Zespołu Redakcyjnego
Dear Readers, Authors and Reviewers,
The October online meeting of the Editorial Team was held. During the meeting, we discussed the current work on the Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal), and summarized the last 4 months and discussed the plans for the next year including the change of the journal’s title.
Posted: 2023-10-26
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The Annual Meeting of the Scientific Board and Reviewers of "Kardiologia Polska – Polish Heart Journal"
Thank you for attending the meeting of the Scientific Board and Reviewers of "Kardiologia Polska – Polish Heart Journal" held on the evening of Friday, September 29, during the XXVI International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society.
Posted: 2023-10-08
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New Impact Factor 2022!
We are pleased to announce that the 2022 Impact Factor of Kardiologia Polska is 3.3. We express our deepest gratitude to the authors, reviewers, and editors who have contributed to this achievement. Thank you!
Posted: 2023-06-28
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The June Editorial Team meeting
On June 19, the editorial team of "Kardiologia Polska" gathered for an eagerly awaited meeting to assess the first half of the year and chart the future course of the publication.
Posted: 2023-06-21
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Happy Easter 2023! / Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych!
Posted: 2023-04-07
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86 Wiosenna Konferencja PTK i XV Konferencja „Kardiologii Polskiej”
W dniach 17-18 marca 2023 roku w salach Teatru im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Opolu odbyły się 86. Wiosenna Konferencja PTK i XV Konferencja "Kardiologii Polskiej". Bardzo dziękujemy Państwu za udział, w szczególności w sesjach związanych z czasopismem.
Posted: 2023-03-20
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86th Spring Conference of the Polish Cardiac Society and the 15th Jubilee Conference of Polish Heart Journal / 86 Wiosenna Konferencja PTK i XV Konferencja „Kardiologii Polskiej”
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 86th Spring Conference of the Polish Cardiac Society and the 15th Jubilee Conference of Polish Heart Journal. The conference will be held on March 17–18, 2023 at the Jan Kochanowski Theater in Opole.
Zapraszamy do udziału w 86. Wiosennej Konferencji PTK oraz Jubileuszowej XV Konferencji „Kardiologii Polskiej”. Konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 17-18 marca 2023 roku w salach Teatru im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Opolu.
Posted: 2023-02-03
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The online meeting of the Editorial Team / Spotkanie online Zespołu Redakcyjnego
Dear Readers, Authors and Reviewers,
The January online meeting of the editorial team was held. We talked about the future of Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal) in the coming year and summarized the last months of work.
Posted: 2023-01-31
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Merry Christmas and healthy New Year 2023!

Posted: 2022-12-21
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The online meeting of the Editorial Team / Spotkanie online Zespołu Redakcyjnego
Dear Readers,
the October Editorial Team meeting is behind us. During the meeting, we discussed the current work on the Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal), summed up the last few months and discussed plans for the next year.
Drodzy Czytelnicy,
za nami październikowe spotkanie zespołu redakcyjnego. Podczas niego omówiliśmy bieżącą pracę nad „Kardiologią Polską”, ale także podsumowaliśmy ostatnie sześć miesięcy i omówiliśmy plany na przyszły rok.
Posted: 2022-10-31
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The interview with prof. Anetta Undas, Editor-in-Chief of "Kardiologia Polska" ("Polish Heart Journal") / Wywiad z prof. Anettą Undas, Redaktor Naczelną "Kardiologii Polskiej"
We warmly invite you to watch video interview with prof. Anetta Undas, Editor-in-Chief of Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal) on the XXVI International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society.
The video is availabe here:
Posted: 2022-10-27
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The meeting of Reviewers and Scientific Board of the Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal) / Spotkanie Recenzentów i Rady Naukowej „Kardiologii Polskiej”
On September 23, we held the long-awaited Meeting of Reviewers and the Scientific Council of the Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal). The event was part of the XXVI Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society, which, this year, was hosted by the International Congress Center in Katowice.
The meeting was an excellent opportunity to summarize last year's achievements and to share our plans. The event ended with the awards ceremony for those who contributed most to the Journal achieving record Impact Factor for 2021.
Dear authors, reviewers, and readers – thank you for attending the meeting! We hope to see you next year.
Posted: 2022-09-26
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XXVI International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society / XXVI Międzynarodowy Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego
We cordially invite you to participate in the XXVI International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society, which will be held on September 22–24, 2022. This time we are meeting at the International Congress Center in Katowice.
Posted: 2022-09-05
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The July Editorial Team meeting
The July Editorial Team meeting is behind us. During the meeting, we discussed the new Impact Factor, summed up the last year and discussed plans for the future of Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal).
Posted: 2022-07-13
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