Vol 10, No 3 (2006)
Published online: 2006-06-05
Telemonitoring of blood pressure - new quality in diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension
Nadciśnienie tętnicze 2006;10(3):167-173.
Polish epidemiological data showing low effectiveness of
diagnostics and treatment and high prevalence of hypertension
indicates that investigation of new blood pressure
treatment and diagnostic methods are needed. It is also of
crucial significance to maintain good long-term blood
pressure control. Comparison of prognostic value and effectiveness,
shows that home blood pressure measurement is
better for clinical use than the office one. Rapid development
of the telecommunication technology provided ability
to practical use of telecommunications systems in which
home blood pressure measurements are recorded and send
automatically to doctor (using analogue telephone lines
or Internet). This method eliminates defects and limitation
described for home blood pressure measurement.
The telecommunication systems could improve patients
compliance. Use of blood pressure telemonitoring at
home by hypertensive pregnant women shows the same
effects on long-term BP control as among hypertensive
pregnant women in hospital. Possibilities mentioned
above create a new quality in hypertension diagnosis
which could be very useful in short- and long-term treatment
monitoring among hypertensive patients. Potential
beneficial effects of BP telemonitoring are still investigated.
The normal range for that method of BP measuring
still needs to be determined.
In the presented article authors show current “state of the
art” of telemonitoring in arterial hypertension and its potencial use as well as comparison with another techniques
and methods used in blood pressure measurements.
The TensioCare system of Tensiomed® being used in the
authors centre is described in details in the paper.
Keywords: hypertensiontelemonitoring of blood pressure