English Polski
ISSN: 2956-4956 e-ISSN: 2956-5677

Recent articles

Research paper2024, oct 1

Reduced activity in the form of recreational dancing and menstrual pain in the COVID-19 pandemic — prelaminar observations

Małgorzata Wójcik, Katarzyna Plagens-Rotman, Dawid Luwański, Justyna Jaskulska, Małgorzata Mizgier, Magdalena Pisarska-Krawczyk, Witold Kędzia, Ada Kaczmarek, Grażyna Jarząbek-Bielecka

Vol 22 (2024): Continuous Publishing

Research paper

J Sex Ment Health 2024;22:61-67.
Review paper2024, sep 26

Systematic review of the literature on single-nucleotide polymorphisms within the neuroligin (NLGN) gene in the development of autism spectrum disorder

Katarzyna Maria Szczurek, Dawid Szczepanek, Natalia Furgał-Dyś, Weronika Wacławik, Krzysztof Świerz, Maksymilian Macherski, Julia Szafraniec, Natalia Lewoniuk, Mateusz Biesok, Anna Szwinge, Julianna Szwancyber

Vol 22 (2024): Continuous Publishing

Review paper

J Sex Ment Health 2024;22:52-60.
Letter to the Editor2024, sep 26

The importance of increasing the visibility of gender identity in research

Paweł Larionow, Monika Mazur

Vol 22 (2024): Continuous Publishing

Letter to the Editor

J Sex Ment Health 2024;22:50-51.
Review paper2024, sep 23

Cognitive behavioural therapy for hypolibidemia in women

Kamila Jakubiak-Leńczuk

Vol 22 (2024): Continuous Publishing

Review paper

J Sex Ment Health 2024;22:26-38.

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