Cognitive behavioural therapy for hypolibidemia in women
The aim of this article is to introduce the issue of loss or absence of sexual needs and to propose therapeutic
approaches. Hypolibidemia is the most common sexual dysfunction in women, hence the need to popularise
the issue. Emphasis is placed on the description of interventions in the cognitive-behavioural approach,
as the approach with the greatest research-proven effectiveness. It offers a range of cognitive as well as
behavioural techniques, thus offering the possibility to tailor therapeutic interventions to the needs of the
individual patient. The article refers to cisgendered women, i.e. those with a coherence between the female
sex assigned at birth and the female gender identity. This is due to the paucity of research dedicated to
desire dysfunction in transgender women.
Keywords: cognitive behavioural psychotherapysexual dysfunctionlack or loss of desirehypolibidemiafemale sexual dysfunction
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