Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy in improving the functioning of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder affecting a significant number of
women of reproductive age. The experience of PCOS can negatively affect women’s psychosexual health and
impair their quality of life in various spheres. Women with PCOS may need expert care not only medically,
but also psychologically. According to current guidelines for the treatment of women with PCOS, specialists
recommend a multifaceted approach, providing interdisciplinary care. Due to the diversity of phenotypes of
the syndrome, it is important to individually tailor both medical and psychological management according
to the needs of the individual patient. To improve mental health in women with PCOS, it is recommended
to consider behavioural or cognitive-behavioural interventions.
Material and methods: A review of the literature in the databases EBSCO, Google Scholar, PubMed, and
PsychInfo was carried out in relation to the psychological interventions provided, including cognitive-behavioural
approaches targeted at adolescent and adult women with PCOS in terms of their effectiveness
in improving psychosexual health.
Results: Despite the higher risk of depressive disorders, anxiety and eating disorders, and sexual dysfunction
among women with PCOS, there is still little evidence-based research on effective psychological support
methods. The results of the analyses conducted so far on the basis of different protocols indicate the probable
effectiveness of short-term structured cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy in improving the mental health
and health-related quality of life of adolescent and adult women with PCOS. There is a lack of research on
the impact of implemented solutions on the sexual health of women with PCOS. Further randomised clinical
trials are needed to better understand the mechanism of change and the persistence of the effects achieved
over time or to consider the use of new therapeutic approaches and technologies.
Conclusions: CBT, either as a monotherapy or as a component of implemented interventions, is an effective
method of reducing the symptoms of the disorders experienced and contributes to improving the quality of
life of those receiving this form of therapy. Due to its short duration, it may become an interesting and more
accessible solution not only for women with PCOS and mental health professionals, but also for the institutions
that fund it. The data collected and presented in this article, as well as the protocols for therapeutic
management, can be an important guideline for professionals to facilitate their psychotherapeutic work
with this group of patients.
Keywords: cognitive behavioural psychotherapypolycystic ovary syndromemental healthpsychosexual healthhealth-related quality of life
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