English Polski
Vol 12, No 1 (2014)
Research paper
Published online: 2014-11-30

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Resuming sexual activity after puerperium

Kinga Filipek, Marek E. Marcyniak, Joanna Kuran
DOI: 10.5603/8-14
Seksuologia Polska 2014;12(1).


Introduction. Nowadays in Poland women who are discharged from hospital after giving birth are inarguably recommended 6 weeks sexual abstinence. The society and especially doctors and midwives are not aware of the reasons for this dogmatic recommendation. The authors essayed to put up a hypothesis about the origin of the custom and to open discussion about validity of its common use.

Material and methods. The data was collected between 2009 and 2014. 1024 respondents (512 partnerships) filled in specially developed questionnaire (13 questions) about intercourse after puerperium.

Results. 80.86% of partnerships were categorically recommended 6 weeks sexual abstinence by doctors or midwives. 77.34% of pairs had first intercourse 6 weeks after childbirth. In 66.80% of cases the initiative came from men. 41.99% of women resuming sexual activity after childbirth felt fear, 23.24% felt pain. Aversion to intercourse was declared by 36.91% of women and lack of signs of sexual excitement (inadequate vaginal lubrication) was present in 61.72%. The above-mentioned signs were commonly reported to occur simultaneously in diverse configurations. 75.00% of women did not reach sexual satisfaction in first weeks after puerperium.

Conclusions. 1. There is a common superstition in Poland about 6 weeks sexual abstinence after childbirth. 2. The society, including doctors and midwives, are not aware of the reasons for the superstition that become inarguable dogma. 3. There are no reasonable arguments for authoritative and categorical recommendation to resign from sexual activity for 6 weeks after childbirth. 4. Forcing young and sexually active people to long-term sexual abstinence can have negative impact on other aspects of partnership. 5. Two weeks after childbirth the only factor limiting undertaking sexual activity is woman’s psychophysical condition and her libido.