Sexual satisfaction of the homo, hetero and bisexual women
Introduction: The key of the survey was to find out if there is a difference in sexual satisfaction between
woman with different orientations, among which homosexual was the most interesting for us.
Material and methods: The results of homosexual woman were compared to these of hetero and bisexual woman.
Results: The analyses show that there are differences. In the group of homosexual woman average level
of emotional satisfaction was higher than in the group of heterosexual and bisexual woman. The average
level of sexual and physical satisfaction was also higher in the group of homosexual woman than in the
group of heterosexual ones. There were no differences when it comes to the average control satisfaction.
Conclusions: The most important affect of the survey is probably to put openly the question why is so and
start a new path in researches of this subject, too long held in the darkness.
Keywords: sexual satisfactionhomosexualheterosexualbisexual womansexual sexual orientationSatisfaction Scale
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