Do intimacy, passion and commitment shape the sexual satisfaction of seniors? Results of the exploratory study
INTRODUCTION: Sex is a manifestation of a relationship that allows you to achieve the fullness of love, however, the sex of the elderly is often overlooked or underestimated in discussions on human sexuality. Senior’s sexual activity expresses feelings and closeness, but also mutual loyalty and trust. It also has pro-health properties. Researchers say that up to 67% of older people are satisfied with their sexual activity. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 83 people aged 61–81 (33 men and 55 women) participated in the study. They were members of the University of the Third Age and various circles of interests for the elderly. 68% of women and 70% of men declared being sexually active. The participants completed questionnaires independently or with the support of trained helpers. The three components of love were measured using the Wojciszke’s questionnaire. In addition, the respondents filled a questionnaire containing questions about their age, gender, frequency of sexual contacts over the last month and six months. The seniors were also asked to rate their own sexual satisfaction on a five-point scale. RESULTS: Seniors sexual satisfaction was significantly positively correlated with the number of preferred activities and the three components of love. There was a significant negative relationship between age and the frequency of sexual contacts. More intimate contacts over the last month and the variety of forms of activities were the best predictors of seniors' satisfaction from their sexual sphere. The gender of the participants did not differentiate any of the variables studied. Exploratory cluster analysis using the k-means method showed that the results of the participants form two main clusters. The first cluster includes the results of the three components of love and second one being in intimate relationship, the frequency of sexual contacts, seniors sexual satisfaction and the diversity of forms of the sexual activities. CONCLUSIONS: The result of cluster analysis leads to deeper exploration of seniors' approach to maintain intimate contacts. It would be necessary to further explore the intermediary variables in the relationship between the components of love and sexual satisfaction of seniors.
Keywords: sexualitysexual satisfactionolder adultscomponents of lovepassionintimacycommitment
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