Vol 1, No 1 (2003)
Research paper
Published online: 2003-09-18
Structural analysis of sexual behavior preferences
Seksuologia Polska 2003;1(1):9-16.
Introduction. The purpose of this work is to find mutual relationships
between sexual stimuli, i.e., to check whether the occurrence of a stimulus causes
(or not) the occurrence of futher stimuli. In order to get to know the stimulus
acceptance structure and, precisely, the structure of co-existing stimuli, research
has been carried out concerning the correlation of all sexual stimuli.
Material and methods. An anonymous questionaire was given to part-time students of Polish universities. Investigations included an anonymous population of 200 part-time students of Wrocław (Poland) universities and academies. The group consisted of married persons within the age range of 25-40 years. The basic research method was: the Sexual Stimulus Scale by Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz.
Results and conclusions. The main scores show that a kiss plays important role in sexual activity determined by various grades of permissiveness. Women reach orgasm more often during oral stimulation than during manual-genital caressing. This suggests the possibility of using cunnilingus in the therapy of sexual dysfunction in women. Women are more open than men to stimulation leading to extravaginal ejacultion, which may indicate a possibility of developing contraceptive methods in this area. There is a characteristic lack of negative correlations between female orgasms and any other stimuli from the scale. Imaginations are probably not connected with a lack of diversity during intercourse. A coexistance of masturbation and manual-genital behaviors is characteristic what may suggest that autoerotic expectations are transferred to partnership relations. Although the female masturbation includes a wide range of behaviors, it does not have the compensatory character for a lack of sexual contact, as it probably is in the group of men.
Material and methods. An anonymous questionaire was given to part-time students of Polish universities. Investigations included an anonymous population of 200 part-time students of Wrocław (Poland) universities and academies. The group consisted of married persons within the age range of 25-40 years. The basic research method was: the Sexual Stimulus Scale by Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz.
Results and conclusions. The main scores show that a kiss plays important role in sexual activity determined by various grades of permissiveness. Women reach orgasm more often during oral stimulation than during manual-genital caressing. This suggests the possibility of using cunnilingus in the therapy of sexual dysfunction in women. Women are more open than men to stimulation leading to extravaginal ejacultion, which may indicate a possibility of developing contraceptive methods in this area. There is a characteristic lack of negative correlations between female orgasms and any other stimuli from the scale. Imaginations are probably not connected with a lack of diversity during intercourse. A coexistance of masturbation and manual-genital behaviors is characteristic what may suggest that autoerotic expectations are transferred to partnership relations. Although the female masturbation includes a wide range of behaviors, it does not have the compensatory character for a lack of sexual contact, as it probably is in the group of men.
Keywords: sexologysexual behavioursexual therapy behaviour