Vol 1, No 1 (2003)
Research paper
Published online: 2003-09-18
Sexual behaviours assessment in flight personnel
Seksuologia Polska 2003;1(1):3-7.
Introduction. The assessment of sexual functioning and potency disorders
is an important part of every male's urological examination.
Material and methods. The survey was carried out at the Air Force Medicine Institute from 1997 to 2000 as a part of prophylactic medical examinations for the civilian and military flying staff using Sex Score and International Index of Erectile Function 5 (IIEF-5) questionnaires. The need for such examination profile was also assesed. The group of 979 individuals was examined; all participents gave their informed consent for data collection.
Results and conclusions. 471 patients (48.1%) scored 11-16 points, 463 individuals (47.3%) - 17?20 points. The potency assessment in 682 examined individuals revealed that 476 of them (69.7%) scored 17-22, and 159 ones - scored 23?25 points. The examination was considered as important by 95% of the participants. The investigated group of flight personnel suffers from moderate sexual and potency dysfunction.
Material and methods. The survey was carried out at the Air Force Medicine Institute from 1997 to 2000 as a part of prophylactic medical examinations for the civilian and military flying staff using Sex Score and International Index of Erectile Function 5 (IIEF-5) questionnaires. The need for such examination profile was also assesed. The group of 979 individuals was examined; all participents gave their informed consent for data collection.
Results and conclusions. 471 patients (48.1%) scored 11-16 points, 463 individuals (47.3%) - 17?20 points. The potency assessment in 682 examined individuals revealed that 476 of them (69.7%) scored 17-22, and 159 ones - scored 23?25 points. The examination was considered as important by 95% of the participants. The investigated group of flight personnel suffers from moderate sexual and potency dysfunction.
Keywords: questionnaire storySex score questionnaireIIEF-5 short versionsexual behaviourpotency disordersflight personnel