Vol 1, No 2 (2003)
Research paper
Published online: 2003-10-22
Relations between sexual need and determinants of sexual activities
Seksuologia Polska 2003;1(2):63-68.
Introduction. The present paper concerns the determination of the level
of sexual need and relations between it and other factors directly influencing
sexual activity, i.e. expectations from marriage, sexual satisfaction, acceptance
of one’s own sexuality and one’s partner, frequency of sexual activity and pleasure.
Also the differences between genders regarding the level of such relations is
Material and methods. An anonymous questionnaire was given to part-time students of Polish universities. Investigations included an anonymous population of 200 part-time students of Wrocław, Poland, universities and academies. The group consisted of married persons in the age range of 25 to 40 years. The basic research method were: Mell-Krat scale by Z. Lew-Starowicz, the list of Marital Expectations by M. Braun-Gałkowska, and the Sexual Interaction inventory by J. LoPiccolo and J.C. Steger.
Results and conclusions. The main scores show that the general high level of sexual need was higher in the female group than in the male. It is suggested that this may result from an inability to satisfy needs during intercourse. Sexual need correlates positively with the assessment of sexual expectations from marriage, self-acceptance in the sexual sphere, frequency and pleasure resulting from sexual activities. The differences between gender are based mainly on the fact that in the female group the increase in sexual need correspondes with the rise of sexual expectations from marriage and a simultaneous decline in the importance of moral principles.
Material and methods. An anonymous questionnaire was given to part-time students of Polish universities. Investigations included an anonymous population of 200 part-time students of Wrocław, Poland, universities and academies. The group consisted of married persons in the age range of 25 to 40 years. The basic research method were: Mell-Krat scale by Z. Lew-Starowicz, the list of Marital Expectations by M. Braun-Gałkowska, and the Sexual Interaction inventory by J. LoPiccolo and J.C. Steger.
Results and conclusions. The main scores show that the general high level of sexual need was higher in the female group than in the male. It is suggested that this may result from an inability to satisfy needs during intercourse. Sexual need correlates positively with the assessment of sexual expectations from marriage, self-acceptance in the sexual sphere, frequency and pleasure resulting from sexual activities. The differences between gender are based mainly on the fact that in the female group the increase in sexual need correspondes with the rise of sexual expectations from marriage and a simultaneous decline in the importance of moral principles.
Keywords: sexual activitysexual need