Vol 3, No 1 (2005)
Research paper
Published online: 2004-11-17
Biographical variables and the range of sexual standards in the opinion of young women
Seksuologia Polska 2005;3(1):13-17.
Introduction. The aim of this study is to investigate which biographical variables correlate with the process
of forming the range of sexual standards in the opinion of young women.
Materials and methods. An annonymous questionnaire research was carried between March and April 2003. Sixty women, age from 20–35 years old, took part in this research. Two research tools were designed by the author: sexual standards questionnaire and sexual behaviours questionnaire.
Results and conclusions
Results and conclusions. The results of the research show that the following variables are correlated with the range of sexual standards of women in the age between 20–35 years:
• sexual behaviours,
• the fact of sexual initiation,
• the age of sexual initiation,
• the number of current sexual partners,
• the number of previous partners,
• religiousness,
• the kind of feelings toward the first sexual partner, declared by woman.
Materials and methods. An annonymous questionnaire research was carried between March and April 2003. Sixty women, age from 20–35 years old, took part in this research. Two research tools were designed by the author: sexual standards questionnaire and sexual behaviours questionnaire.
Results and conclusions
Results and conclusions. The results of the research show that the following variables are correlated with the range of sexual standards of women in the age between 20–35 years:
• sexual behaviours,
• the fact of sexual initiation,
• the age of sexual initiation,
• the number of current sexual partners,
• the number of previous partners,
• religiousness,
• the kind of feelings toward the first sexual partner, declared by woman.
Keywords: sexual standardsexual behaviouryoung women