Vol 3, No 1 (2005)
Research paper
Published online: 2004-11-17
Sex-Guilt and -Shame Scale: preliminary stage of tool construction
Seksuologia Polska 2005;3(1):1-7.
Introduction. Sex-guilt and-shame have been presented in the context of mostly psychological literature
on guilt and shame. Research on sex-guilt and -shame have been reviewed. The authors have also stated
assumptions underlying construction of „Sex-Guilt and-Shame Scale”.
Material and methods. A preliminary version of the tool (31 items) was administered to 90 men aged 18– –29 years.
Results and conclusions. Statistical analyses did not revealed two-dimensional (sex-guilt and-shame) inner structure of the tool. Current unidimensional scale showed satisfactory psychometrical properties. Further research on female sample and analysis of relationships with other variables are needed.
Material and methods. A preliminary version of the tool (31 items) was administered to 90 men aged 18– –29 years.
Results and conclusions. Statistical analyses did not revealed two-dimensional (sex-guilt and-shame) inner structure of the tool. Current unidimensional scale showed satisfactory psychometrical properties. Further research on female sample and analysis of relationships with other variables are needed.
Keywords: sex-guiltsex-shamemeasures