Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Research paper
Published online: 2008-09-29
Hope as a positive factor for happiness among Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Seksuologia Polska 2008;6(2):51-56.
Introduction. The aim of this study was to examine whether hope is related to happiness operationalized as a subjective global feeling of satisfaction with life, desire to life, feeling of hopelessness, passion to life, feeling of happiness in a few recent days, and perceiving contentment with a few domains of life.
Material and methods. The sample consisted of 30 participants of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous groups. The following tools were used: Herth Hope Index (HHI), Cantril Leader, Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), scale regarding evaluation of contentment with particular domains of life, one-item scales regarding desire to life, passion of life and feeling of happiness in a few recent days.
Results. Noticed relationships between hope and almost all global measures of happiness including desire to life, feeling of hopelessness, passion of life and feeling of happiness in a few recent days. Hope was related to six from twelve evaluating domains: friends, health, perspective on the future, life achievements, ways of spending of free time and sex.
Conclusion. Hope is a important factor in shaping of happiness and contentment with some areas of life among Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous.
Keywords: hopehappinesswell-beingquality of lifeSex and Love Addicts Anonymous