English Polski
Vol 9, No 1 (2011)
Review paper
Published online: 2011-11-18

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Psychosexual immaturity as a diagnostic term

Przemysław Marcinek, Anna Brzeska, Alicja Kapała, Andrzej Peda, Filip Szumski
Seksuologia Polska 2011;9(1):38-42.


Psychosexual immaturity is commonly understood as developmental disorder, and inability to correct fulfilling of sexual role is thought for its essence. Therefore it is particular form of sex role disorder. The term “psychosexual immaturity” doesn’t occur as a diagnostic category in ICD-10 and DSM-IV-TR. Despite this it is commonly used in professional literature and clinical practice. To improve the accuracy of application of this term it is necessary to operationalize it and, therefore, put a new diagnostic category into the classification of disorders. The aim of this paper is to suggest particulars indicators of so understood psychosexual immaturity. It has been made on different three levels, by using three different criteria: developmental, functional and symptomatic.
Polish Sexology 2011; 9 (1): 38–42

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