Homosexual behaviours taken up by women beeing in steady heterosexual relationship own research
Material and methods. The empirical material gathered in order to research the issue was based on the study conducted among 254 women with a young child beeing in heterosexual relationship. The choice for the studied group was purposeful. The research tool was a questionnaire containing questions about women s sexual activity.
Results. 2,3% of the studied women consider themselves as homosexual and 5.9% as bisexual beeing in heterosexual relationship in the same time. 9% of the studied women at least once realized homosexual activity.
Conclusions and discussion. The results are a little higher than those of other researchers, which may be explained by the fact that the choice for the studied group was purposeful (sex, age, education). The most common homosexual activity appear to be oral and oral-manual intercourse.
Keywords: homosexual activityhomosexuality