English Polski
Vol 15, No 1 (2017)
Research paper
Published online: 2017-09-06

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The significance of the quality of communication for the sexual satisfaction of women and men in close relationships of different length

Agnieszka Nomejko, Grażyna Dolińska-Zygmunt, Anna Mucha
DOI: 10.5603/1–8
Seksuologia Polska 2017;15(1).


INTRODUCTION: The main objective of the research results presented in the article is to demonstrate the significance of the quality of intimate relationships for sexual satisfaction. We have strived to determine to what extent the length of close relationship differentiates the level of sexual satisfaction among men and women and also what is the link between the quality of communication in a close relationship and the sexual satisfaction of women and men with the consideration of the duration of their relationship.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: We have examined 467 people aged 20–70. In the study we have employed The Marital and Partnership Communication Questionnaire by Kaźmierczak and Plopy, as well as The Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire by Nomejko and Dolińska-Zygmunt.

RESULTS: The research has indicated that the sexual satisfaction of the study group was higher, the shorter was the duration of their relationship. The relationship between variables was not strong. Additionally, it has been evidenced that sexual satisfaction has a significant correlation with the quality of communication in a close relationship and its dimensions. The importance of this variable for the satisfaction with sexual life has increased with the length of a relationship, especially in terms of depreciation and commitment. We have also observed substantial gender differences.

CONCLUSIONS: The quality of a close relationship including the quality of communication between partners is essential for the satisfaction with sexual life, especially among women. High communication skills of both partners may compensate for negative phenomena influencing their sexual life which occur in lengthening relationships, thereby they allow to maintain a high level of sexual satisfaction in long-term relationships.

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