Vol 29, No 6 (2024)
Review paper
Published online: 2024-11-18

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Targeted nanodelivery systems for personalized cancer therapy

Szymon Roszkowski1, Zofia Durczynska2, Sylwia Szablewska2
Rep Pract Oncol Radiother 2024;29(6):776-788.


Conventional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy face challenges such as poor tumor targeting, systemic toxicity, and drug resistance. Nanotechnology offers solutions through advanced drug delivery systems that preferentially accumulate in tumors while avoiding healthy tissues. Recent innovations have enabled the optimization of engineered nanocarriers for extended circulation and tumor localization via both passive and active targeting mechanisms. Passive accumulation exploits the leaky vasculature of tumors, whereas active strategies use ligands to selectively bind cancer cell receptors. Multifunctional nanoparticles also allow the combination of imaging, multiple therapeutic modalities and on-demand drug release within a single platform. Overall, precisely tailored nanotherapeutics that leverage unique pathophysiological traits of malignancies provide opportunities to overcome the limitations of traditional treatment regimens. This emerging field promises more effective and personalized nanomedicine approaches to detect and treat cancer.

The key aspects highlighted in this review include the biological barriers associated with nanoparticles, rational design principles to optimize nanocarrier pharmacokinetics and tumor uptake, passive and active targeting strategies, multifunctionality, and reversal of multidrug resistance.


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