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Case report2024, aug 22

Pyoderma gangrenosum — the long road from diagnosis to treatment

Karolina Kleemann, Danuta Siedzieniewska- Falkiewicz

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Case report

Case report2024, aug 22

Did COVID-19 benefit a patient with microscopic polyangiitis?

Katarzyna Gajewicz-Sawicka, Daniel Jeka, Aleksandra Gajewicz-Perka, Tacjana Barczyńska

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Case report

Case report2024, aug 13

The early onset of seronegative polyarthritis juvenile idiopathic arthritis in female patient — a case report

Joanna Ożga, Agata Raczko, Zuzanna Oleniacz, Wadim Wojciechowski, Zbigniew Żuber

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Case report

Review paper2024, aug 13
Case report2024, aug 13
Case report2024, aug 13

Development of granulomatosis with polyangiitis in the patient with chronic myeloid leukemia: a case report and a short review of literature

Martyna Kuczyńska, Monika Bultrowicz, Aleksandra Gąsiorek, Klaudia Palka, Robert Pieczyrak, Przemysław Kotyla, Eugeniusz Józef Kucharz

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Case report

Editorial2024, jun 30

Does AI Replace Medical Doctors?

Olga Gumkowska-Sroka, Przemysław Kotyla, Włodzimierz Samborski

Vol 10, No 2 (2024)


Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(2):59-60.
Review paper2024, jun 10
Review paper2024, jun 10

Peripheral neuropathy in systemic inflammatory connective tissue diseases

Olga Gumkowska-Sroka, Przemysław Kotyla

Vol 10, No 2 (2024)

Review paper

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(2):87-96.
Case report2024, may 27

Severe bone loss in a premenopausal woman

Barbara Nieradko-Iwanicka

Vol 10, No 2 (2024)

Case report

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(2):97-99.
Case report2024, may 27

Rapidly progressive course of systemic sclerosis sine scleroderma: a case report and short literature review

Aleksandra Gąsiorek, Monika Bultrowicz, Martyna Kuczyńska, Robert Pieczyrak, Justyna Kramza, Klaudia Palka, Przemysław Kotyla, Eugeniusz J. Kucharz

Online first

Case report

Review paper2024, may 27

Feeding problems and temporomandibular dysfunction in children with cerebral palsy

Roksana Malak, Ewa Mojs, Włodzimierz Samborski

Vol 10, No 2 (2024)

Review paper

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(2):78-81.
Case report2024, may 27
Review paper2024, mar 28

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in clinical practice — are there any new reports?

Dorota Sikorska, Sławomir Chlabicz, Grażyna Rydzewska, Włodzimierz Samborski, Andrzej Tykarski, Jarosław Woroń

Vol 10, No 1 (2024)

Review paper

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(1):26-37.
Editorial2024, mar 28

Est avis in dextra melior, quam quattuor extra — can we change the face of rheumatology?

Olga Gumkowska-Sroka, Włodzimierz Samborski, Przemysław Kotyla

Vol 10, No 1 (2024)


Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(1):1-3.
Review paper2024, mar 22

Delayed diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis

Katarzyna Wiąk-Walerowicz, Ewa Wielosz

Vol 10, No 2 (2024)

Review paper

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(2):72-77.
Review paper2024, mar 21

Everything you always wanted to know about systemic sclerosis but were afraid to ask: Part 7. Evaluation of the effectiveness of kinesitherapy conducted in a group of patients with systemic sclerosis based on a literature review

Bartosz Radosław Wnuk, Wojciech Kroczek, Edyta Kroczek, Agnieszka Fajkierz, Andrzej Setlak, Klaudia Palka, Barbara Buc-Piorun

Vol 10, No 1 (2024)

Review paper

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(1):9-16.
Research paper2024, mar 13

Comprehensive assessment of motor skills in children with autism spectrum disorders

Kinga Litwin, Piotr Poniewierski, Katarzyna Poczta, Karolina Biel, Natalia Trzeszczyńska, Ewa Mojs, Włodzimierz Samborski

Online first

Research paper

Letter to the Editor2024, mar 13
Case report2024, feb 15

Multiminicore disease as an important cause of toe walking: case report and literature review

Bartosz Musielak, Mikołaj Patrzykąt, Monika Seget, Magdalena Ratajczyk, Marek Jóźwiak

Vol 10, No 1 (2024)

Case report

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(1):48-54.
Case report2024, jan 24

Use of mycophenolate mofetil in refractory relapsing polychondritis

Przemyslaw Borowy, Jakub Smyk, Patrycja Major, Natalia Mglej, Bogdan Batko

Vol 10, No 1 (2024)

Case report

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(1):43-47.
Case report2024, jan 24

Primary Sjögren’s syndrome complicated by development of B-cell lymphoma

Magdalena Romanowska, Magdalena Krajewska-Włodarczyk

Vol 10, No 1 (2024)

Case report

Rheumatology Forum 2024;10(1):38-42.
Case report2024, jan 24

Eosinophilic fasciitis — a case report

Joanna Zalewska, Tacjana Barczyńska, Małgorzata Węgierska, Daniel Jeka

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Case report

Case report2024, jan 24

Subglottic stenosis of the larynx in granulomatosis with polyangiitis. A case report and review of the available literature

Ewelina Machura-Porębska, Przemysław Kotyla, Robert Pieczyrak, Magdalena Kopeć-Mędrek, Barbara Buc-Piorun, Klaudia Palka

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Case report