Vol 14, No 2 (2020)
Review paper
Published online: 2020-05-20

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Tools to improve palliative care: e-prescription and Patient’s Internet Account — legal status analysis

Natalia Susłowska1, Agnieszka Zimmermann1
Palliat Med Pract 2020;14(2):101-107.


The implementation of new technology is a response to the challenges of the current health system,
such as ageing population and rising treatment costs. Focusing on improving the quality of the services
provided and increasing access to treatment guarantees a feeling of safety in the therapeutic process.
Amendments introduced to the law and implementing the idea of digitisation of the health care system
may turn out to be significantly beneficial for both the medical personnel and the relatives taking care of
the patients. New solutions can be applied by Home Hospices, whose functioning is a significant challenge
for organizational and financial reasons.
The aim of this paper was to analyse current legal regulations governing electronic prescribing. In addition,
the impact of e-prescription and related eHealth elements on the availability and quality of palliative care
services was assessed. Modern information and communications technology can solve many problems
related to access, quality and cost-effectiveness of medical services, in particular those concerning palliative
care. E-prescription is a tool that can significantly improve patient care through simplified prescribing
rules. New rules for issuing and confirming orders for medical devices also make it much easier for carers.

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