Current issue

Vol 18, No 4 (2024)

Journal Homepage Image
ISSN: 2545-0425 e-ISSN: 2545-1359
avg. from submission to first decision 1 day
avg. from submission to review decision 50 days
avg. from acceptance to online publication 21 days
Manuscript acceptance rate 60%

Author Fees 

Since March 6th, 2025 Palliative Medicine in Practice will be charging the following APC (Author Preparation Charge): 

Resarch papers and Review articles: 100,00 EUR plus 23% VAT 

Other types of articles, namely: Clinical Vignettes, Letters, Editorials, Comment Letters, Guidelines or Consensus Statements as well as commissioned and invited articles are still going to be published free of charge. 

After an article is accepted for publication, author will be required to make a payment, which is necessary to complete the publication process. If the manuscript is withdrawn after being accepted for publication, the fee is non-refundable. All costs related to the bank transfer are covered by the author. 

Introduction of APC (Author Preparation Charge) has become neccessary due to increase of overall publication costs aslo related to Journal development. Waivers or discounts may be available in limited number of well justified cases. To apply for waiver provide such request during your submission. To the extent possible we would like to avoid situations where APC would prevent publication of worthy papers. 

Recent articles

Research paper2025, mar 27
Research paper2025, mar 26

Functioning of patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at the end-of-life: A multicenter questionnaire study

Beata Brożek, Iwona Damps-Konstańska, Szymon Skoczyński, Ewa Jassem, Małgorzata Krajnik

Online first

Research paper

Review paper2025, mar 18

Nursing team role in patients receiving palliative care in emergency and urgent care services: A scoping review

Isabella Torres, Felippo de Oliveira Maximum, Bianca Silva de Morais Freire, Alice Silva Costa, Yasmim Ribeiro Fracaroli, Sueli de Carvalho Vilela, Rogério Silva Lima, Isabelle Cristinne Pinto Costa

Online first

Review paper

Research paper2025, mar 10

Palliative care needs of patients and caregivers in a rural lowand middle-income country setting

Asha Joan Murali, Bindhu Vasudevan, Rosin George Varghese, Jose Joseph, Sobha A, Binu Areekal, Anitha Bhaskar, Geetha Devi Madhavikutty

Online first

Research paper

Research paper2025, feb 24

Spirituality and resilience in health professionals who provide palliative care

Marina Menjivar, Marco Rodríguez, Williams López, Alejandra Sarmiento, Ancu Feng

Online first

Research paper

Clinical vignette2025, feb 5

Combined tramadol and morphine overdose — a rare case report

Jefrilla Nancy Joseph, Meenakshi V Venketeswaran

Online first

Clinical vignette

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