Vol 12, No 1 (2018)
Review paper
Published online: 2018-05-02

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Relieving chronic breathlessness is a human right

David Christopher Currow1, Małgorzata Krajnik2
Palliat Med Pract 2018;12(1):8-10.


Chronic breathlessness, defined as breathlessness that persists despite optimising the treatment of un­derlying causes, is recognised by recent international consensus as a distinct clinical syndrome. Across our communities, population-based studies of chronic breathlessness expose an enormous burden from this. Among the palliative care population, one in four people die with severe breathlessness despite treat­ment from a palliative care service. Recently, the relief of breathlessness was claimed to be a human right, particularly when there are treatments available to alleviate the unnecessary suffering caused by chronic breathlessness. The timely recognition of, and response to chronic breathlessness is a crucial clinical skill.   

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