Vol 12, No 2 (2018)
Research paper
Published online: 2018-06-06

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Assessment of the quality of life of women with breast cancer depending on the surgical treatment method used

Aneta Gałka1, Natalia Alicja Świątoniowska2, Jolanta Kolasińska3, Piotr Hańczyc4, Beata Jankowska-Polańska3
Palliat Med Pract 2018;12(2):76-85.


Background. Women treated for breast cancer undergo traumatic experiences that significantly reduce their quality of life. Modern medicine is constantly looking for the best solutions in the field of surgical treatment. The choice of surgery has a significant impact on the woman’s life, her acceptance of the self-image and sense of femininity.

The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of women operated on for breast cancer, depending on the treatment method.

Material and methods. 150 women divided into 3 groups (each n = 50) were quali­fied for the work depending on the treatment method used: sparing treatment (BCT), mas­tectomy (MTX), mastectomy with simultaneous breast reconstruction (MTX + R). The study used a self-developed questionnaire and standardized questionnaires (EORTC QLQ-C30 - to the general quality of life with cancer and EORTC QLQ-BR23 a questionnaire specific to the assessment of quality of life with breast cancer.

Results. The analysis of the quality of life of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire showed that despite dif­ferences in the clinical characteristics of the surveyed women, there were no differences in the assessment of quality of life by the general questionnaire except the fatigue domain (p = 0.007) and loss of appetite (p = 0.032), where patients from the BCT group, they felt significantly greater severity of the discomfort than the patients from the MTX + R group. In contrast, patients from the MTX group experienced signifi­cantly greater financial problems than patients from the remaining groups (p = 0.013). In terms of the quality of life assessment, specific differences were observed in the quality of life only in the domains: body image, sexual functioning, satisfaction with intercourse: women from the MTX group were least satisfied with their body image than the patients from other groups (p = 0.001), while patients from the MTX + R group had significantly better sexual functioning and were more satisfied with intercourse than patients from other groups (p < 0.001).

Conclusions: Patients treated surgically with the use of simultaneous breast reconstruction assessed the quality of life better in the domains: sexual functioning and satisfaction with intercourse with a partner, while women treated with the saving method complained about the limitation of the quality of life in the domain feeling tired. In terms of quality assessment in other domains of quality of life, no differences were found depending on the treatment method used.

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