Vol 12, No 2 (2018)
Research paper
Published online: 2018-06-06

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Daily life fatigue and coping strategies in family caregivers of home mechanically-ventilated individuals

Karolina Szatkowska1, Zbigniew Szkulmowski2
Palliat Med Pract 2018;12(2):86-96.


Background. Home mechanical ventilation is a form of long-term nursing intervention over people with chronic respiratory failure. The aim of this research was to determine the connections between daily life fatigue and coping strategies in caregivers of people supported by home mechanical ventilation, consid­ering the role of objective medical factors of the ill (ventilation method and time).

Material and methods. The study included 61 caregivers aged 29–74. The variables were measured with Daily Life Fatigue Questionnaire, Inventory to Measure Coping Strategies with Stress Mini-COPE and survey.

Results. Higher level of: general, physical, psychological and social fatigue contributes to increased avoid­ance behaviour and manifestation of helplessness among the caregivers of home mechanically-ventilated individuals. The method and time of mechanical ventilation application significantly differentiate the relation between daily life fatigue and coping strategies.

Conclusions. The results acquired showed that the caregivers were significantly differentiate in measured variables. Diagnosing the fatigue and coping strategies is very important matter in creation of psychological support programmes for caregivers of home mechanically-ventilated individuals.

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