Vol 12, No 1 (2018)
Review paper
Published online: 2018-05-02

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Diabetic patient in palliative care

Aleksandra Modlińska12
Palliat Med Pract 2018;12(1):11-20.


Diabetes management of the patients with advanced diseases is a significant task for palliative care team. First of all, the main aim is preservation of quality of life. Therapeutic and diet decisions should be provided on an appropriate level of intervention according to patient’s condition and prognosis. The pharmacologic therapy may include oral agents or/and insulin treatment. We should avoid metabolic de-compensation, like frequent and/or deep hypoglycaemia, symptomatic clinical dehydration, diabetic ketoacidosis, or per­sistent hyperglycaemia, especially in the case of chronic wounds, bed sores or cancer ulceration. Based on available publications, expert opinions and own experience, some glucose control target ranges and ways of making therapeutic decision in the context of limited life expectancy are suggested

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Palliative Medicine in Practice