Vol 11, No 2 (2017)
Review paper
Published online: 2017-10-12

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Possibilities of quality of life improvement in patients with advanced disease

Krystyna de Walden-Gałuszko1
Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce 2017;11(2):74-77.


Efforts aiming at improving quality of life (QoL) have started with psycho-spiritual hospice care with symp­tom control and gradually evolved into the holistic care including all aspects of life in palliative care units. The change in the psychological dimension concerned reformulating the goal of care from the symptom control (relief of depression and anxiety) into the posttraumatic growth — a higher level of patient’s psychological functioning compared to the their state before the disease. The development of certain psy­chological capacities facilitating post traumatic growth has been described. The changes of medical staff attitudes to the cancer patients from the beginning of hospice care until now have been also presented.

At the beginning of palliative care the paternalistic doctors’ attitudes prevailed — the patient’s autonomy was described in the terms of compliance then. Now the self-management is strongly recommended to the patients. Many self-help groups and programs are now proposed to cancer patients in different stages of disease. Meta-analysis of publications reveals the positive impact of these programs on the cancer patients’ QoL in an advanced stage of the disease.

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Palliative Medicine in Practice