open access

Vol 10, No 3 (2016)
Review paper
Published online: 2017-03-13
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The questionnaires used in the assessment of selected symptoms in lung cancer

Jacek Polański, Anna Krystyna Chudiak, Joanna Rosińczuk
Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce 2016;10(3):89-97.

open access

Vol 10, No 3 (2016)
Review paper
Published online: 2017-03-13


The quality of life of patients with lung cancer is determined by severity of the most common symptoms like cough, hemoptisis, dyspnoea and chest pain. In addition metastatic patients often suffer from fatigue, weight loss, cachexia and tiredness. Symptoms persistence usually worsens physical functioning and along with diagnosis and complex treatment influences to a huge degree on psychological functioning as well. All symptoms may significantly influence quality of life and disturb the treatment effectiveness. In quality of life (QoL) assessment of patients with lung cancer standardized tools find to be helpful to show a coincidence between degree of the symptom and subjective QoL assessment. The aim of the study was to describe tools and questionnaires for lung cancer symptoms assessment and their association with quality of life.


The quality of life of patients with lung cancer is determined by severity of the most common symptoms like cough, hemoptisis, dyspnoea and chest pain. In addition metastatic patients often suffer from fatigue, weight loss, cachexia and tiredness. Symptoms persistence usually worsens physical functioning and along with diagnosis and complex treatment influences to a huge degree on psychological functioning as well. All symptoms may significantly influence quality of life and disturb the treatment effectiveness. In quality of life (QoL) assessment of patients with lung cancer standardized tools find to be helpful to show a coincidence between degree of the symptom and subjective QoL assessment. The aim of the study was to describe tools and questionnaires for lung cancer symptoms assessment and their association with quality of life.

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lung cancer, symptoms, questionnaires

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The questionnaires used in the assessment of selected symptoms in lung cancer


Palliative Medicine in Practice


Vol 10, No 3 (2016)

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Review paper



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Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce 2016;10(3):89-97.


lung cancer


Jacek Polański
Anna Krystyna Chudiak
Joanna Rosińczuk

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