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Published online: 2024-09-03

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Differences in subcortical functional connectivity in patients with epilepsy

Nikodem Hryniewicz1, Rafał Rola2, Danuta Ryglewicz2, Ewa Piątkowska-Janko1, Ada Sawilska3, Piotr Bogorodzki13


Introduction. Epilepsy is a disease characterized by abnormal paroxysmal bioelectrical activity in the brain cortex and subcortical structures. Seizures per se change brain metabolism in epileptic focus and in distal parts of the brain. However, interictal phenomena can also affect functional connectivity (FC) and brain metabolism in other parts of the brain.

Aim of study. We hypothesised that epilepsy affects functional connectivity not only among cortical, but also between subcortical, structures of the brain in a resting state condition.

Clinical rationale for study. Investigating functional connectivity in patients with epilepsy could provide insights into the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. Better understanding may lead to more effective treatment strategies.

Material and methods. Functional connectivity was analysed in 35 patients with epilepsy and in 28 healthy volunteers. The group of patients was divided into generalised and focal epilepsy (temporal and extratemporal subgroups). Each patient and healthy volunteer underwent an fMRI resting-state session. During the study, EEG signals were simultaneously recorded with fMRI to facilitate the subsequent detection of potential interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). Their potential impact on BOLD signals was mitigated through linear regression. The data was processed and correlation coefficients (FC values) between the BOLD signal from selected structures of the central nervous system were determined and compared between study groups. The results were presented as significant differences in correlation coefficients between brain/subcortical structures in the epilepsy and control groups.

Results. Lower FC values for the epilepsy group compared to the control group were shown for connections related to the MPFC, hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, and the parahippocampal gyrus.

Conclusions. Epilepsy alters the functional connectivity of resting state subcortical networks. Patterns of pathological changes of FC differ between epilepsy subtypes, with predominant lower FC between the hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, amygdala and thalamus in patients with epilepsy.

Clinical implications. This study suggests that epilepsy affects subcortical structures. Identifying distinct patterns of altered FC in epilepsy subtypes may help to tailor treatment strategies. Changes in FC detected by fMRI may precede clinical symptoms, aiding in the early diagnosis of cognitive and emotional disorders in focal epilepsy.

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