Recent articles
Innovations in epilepsy treatment: pharmacological strategies and machine learning applications
Natalia Chmielewska, Janusz Szyndler
Invited Review Article
Maurycy Rakowski, Natalia A. Koc, Samuel D. Pettersson, Tomasz Klepinowski, Piotr Zieliński, Tomasz Szmuda
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Do Parkinson’s Disease clinical subtypes really exist?
Marta Filidei, Luca Marsili, Carlo Colosimo
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Screening for PRKN and PINK1 mutations in Ecuadorian patients with early-onset Parkinson’s Disease
Tobias M. Franz, Rohitha K Punathil, Alexandra I. Soto-Beasley, Audrey Strongosky, Ronald L. Walton, Sarah Kim-Hellmuth, Wolfdieter Springer, Jaroslaw Dulski, Owen A. Ross, Gabriela Jaramillo-Koupermann, Fernando Alarcon, Zbigniew K. Wszolek
Research Paper
Differences in prevalence of orthostatic hypotension between Parkinson’s Disease motor subtypes
Panteleimon Oikonomou, Jiri Koschel, Christian F. Altmann, Wolfgang H. Jost
Letter to the Editors
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