Tom 12, Nr 1 (2017)
Opublikowany online: 2017-03-09

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Kardiologia inwazyjna 1/2017-WCCI Warsaw, czyli jak będzie wyglądała przyszłość leczenia pacjentów kardiologicznych w Polsce w najbliższych latach?


WCCI Warsaw, czyli jak będzie wyglądała przyszłość leczenia pacjentów kardiologicznych w Polsce w najbliższych latach?

Już w kwietniu Warszawa stanie się kardiologiczną stolicą Europy. W dniach 5–7 kwietnia 2017 roku na XXI edycji Warsztatów Kardiologii Interwencyjnej – Warsaw Course on Cadiovascular Interventions (WCCI) spotkają się najlepsi specjaliści z całego świata, by wymieniać się doświadczeniami w kardiologii i kardiochirurgii.

WCCI jest oficjalną konferencją Asocjacji Interwencji Sercowo-Naczyniowych Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego (AISN PTK) i jest przez nią akredytowana. Multimedialne prezentacje, symultaniczne konferencje oraz interaktywne warsztaty praktyczne, organizowane przez Fundację Wspierania Kardiologii Interwencyjnej odbywają się pod patronatem Kliniki Kardiologii Inwazyjnej CSK MSWiA oraz Kliniki Kardiologii i Angiologii Interwencyjnej Instytutu Kardiologii w Warszawie. WCCI jest jednym z trzech najważniejszych i największych międzynarodowych kongresów kardiologicznych w naszym kraju.

Tematyka warsztatów koncentruje się głównie na problematyce związanej z rozpoznawaniem i leczeniem ostrych zespołów wieńcowych, stabilną chorobą wieńcową, wadami strukturalnymi i zastawkowymi serca oraz interwencjami w miażdżycy tętnic obwodowych.

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Serdecznie zapraszamy

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Adam Witkowski
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Robert J. Gil

21st Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions

Wednesday, 5th April, 2017

09:00–09:50 Press Conference

09:00–16:00 MASTER CLASS @ WCCI 2017. A patient with NSTE-ACS and mutivessel coronary artery disease

10:00–11:55 Opieka kompleksowa w kardiologii – dokąd zmierzamy? Cykl debat z uczestnictwem przedstawicieli Ministerstwa Zdrowia, Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia, AOTMiT, pracodawców i ekspertów klinicznych

10:00–10:55 Pacjent po zawale serca – jak funkcjonuje modelowe rozwiązanie dla opieki kompleksowej w kardiologii w praktyce?

11:00–11:55 Wyzwania dla ochrony zdrowia w Polsce: Jak wygląda wprowadzanie nowych leków i technologii medycznych do praktyki klinicznej?

11:5512:05 Coffe Break

12:05–13:05 Special Session of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society: Focuse on acute stroke treatment in Poland (Session in Polish)

12:05–12:15 Epidemiologia, patofizjologia oraz kliniczna prezentacja ostrego niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu. Leczenie interwencyjne: tromboliza i trombektomia

12:15–12:27 Leczenie trombolityczne – wciąż leczenie z wyboru w ostrym niedokrwiennym udarze mózgu?

12:27–12:39 Polskie doświadczenia leczenia ostrego udaru mózgu za pomocą trombektomii mechanicznej

12:39–12:50 Leczenie interwencyjne ostrego niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu – jak powinno przebiegać wdrożenie progamu w szpitalu?

12:50–13:05 Dyskusja (Discussion)

13:0513:15 Coffe Break

13:1514:45 LUNCH (lunch boxes at satellite symposia)

13:15–14:45 Room A. Satellite Lunch Symposium 1

13:15–14:45 Room B. Satellite Lunch Symposium 2

13:15–14:45 Room C. Satellite Lunch Symposium 3

13:15–14:45 Room Hemisphere (level -1). Satellite Lunch Symposium 4.

14:4515:00 Coffe Break

15:00–17:05 European CTO Club session: How to build the program of CTO recanalization at my centre? Advices from the Best

15:00–15:40 Live case 1. CTO PCI

15:40–15:50 The staff – training & experience

15:50–16:00 The stuff – equipment & radiation safety

16:00–16:10 Basic and advanced devices for chronic total occlusions

16:10–16:20 Case selection and indications

16:20–17:00 CTO PCI presented as the recorded case with discussion

17:00–17:05 Take home message

17:0517:20 Coffee Break

17:20–20:00 Room A+B. European Bifurcation Club session: Practical approach for choosing the optimal strategy for intervention with coronary bifurcation lesions

17:20–18:00 Life case 3. Patient with distal left main stenosis (PTS approach)

18:00–18:12 Provisional stenting as a default strategy

18:12–18:55 Live case 4. Patients with true bifurcation lesion (two stents approach)

18:55–19:07 Complex strategy for bifurcation. Why and what is the best technique?

19:07–19:19 Optimization measures and practical algorithm

19:19–20:00 Live case 5. Bifurcation PCI

15:00–16:20 Room C. Symposium: Innovations in technology – what is new for the interventionalists?

15:00–15:05 Introduction and objectives. Presentations of Industry Innovations

16:22–16:27 Take-home message

16:00–20:00 Room Hemisphere. Session for nurses and technicians (Session in Polish)

16:30–18:01 Room C. Central and Eastern European Session – Progress in the interventional cardiology

Presentations by countries

17:54–18:01 Discussion and Wrap up

20:00–21:30 BOARDROOM. Meeting of the Board of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society

AIDA ROOM: Training Room Medtronic

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

7:00–8.00 BOARDROOM. Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Invasive Cardiology Journal

8:00–9:30 ROOM RUBINSTEIN (second floor). General Assembly of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society

9:30–11:00 Room C. Session 1. Acute Coronary Syndrome Session: lectures, live cases, case-based presentations

9:3010:00 Live case 1. Patient with NSTE-ACS and multivessel CAD

Symposium: Acute coronary syndrome – not only primary angioplasty

10:3010:40 MINOCA – pathogenesis, treatment & prognosis

10:4010.50 Myocardial infarction type 2 – how to treat?

10:5011:00 Cardiac surgery in acute coronary syndromes – when & how?

11:0011:30 Live case 2. Patient with NSTE-ACS and left main stenosis

11:3011:45 Featured Lecture. NSTE-ACS: How to tailor antithrombotic and antiplatelet therpay to improve safety and efficacy of percutaneous treatment?

11:45–12:30 Room C. Session 2. Acute coronary syndrome: case review session

11:4512:00 Case 1

12:0012:03 Discussion

12:0312:18 Case 2

12:1812:21 Discussion

12:40–13:10 Room C. Opening Ceremony

1. Robert J. Gil and Adam Witkowski, WCCI Directors

2. Piotr Hoffman, President of the Polish Cardiac Society

3. Jacek Legutko, Chairman of Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society

4. Andreas Baumbach, President-Elect of the EAPCI

5. William Wijns, Chairman of PCR

6. Andreas Award

13:10–13:20 Coffe break

13:2017:50 PCR Learning Pathway on Left Main Angioplasty

13:2016:55 Room A+B. Learning PCI in Left Main Coronary Disease


13:2014:20 Live-in-a box cases 1 and 2

14:2015:20 Lunch

14:3015:00 Boardroom. Editorial Board Meeting of the Advances in the Interventional Cardiology


15:2016:00 Room A+B. How Should I treat Left Main Disease? Part 1

15:2015:25 Introduction and objectives

Case 1.

Speaker 1: Case presentation (5 minutes)

Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes)

Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes)

Speaker 1 (5 minutes)

Discussion (10 minutes)

Consensus (5 minutes)

16:00–16:10 Coffe break


16:1017:50 Room A+B. How Should I treat Left Main Disease? Part 2.

16:1016:15 Introduction and objectives

Case 2.

Speaker 2: Case presentation (5 minutes)

Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes)

Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes)

Speaker 2: How did I treat. (5 minutes)

Discussion (10 minutes)

Consensus (5 minutes)

13:20–16:30 Room C. Coronary Symposium, part 1. Frequent PCI complications. How to deal with…

13:2013:28 How to deal with occlusive coronary dissection?

13:2813:36 How to deal with coronary perforation?

13:3613:44 How to deal with calcified lesion?

13:4413:52 How to deal with lost stent?

13:5213:57 Wrap-up

13:5714:35 Live case 3. PCI in MVD CAD with ROTA

14:35–15:12 Room C. Coronary Symposium, part 2. How to deal with thrombotic complications?

14:3514:43 In-stent thrombosis

14:4314:51 No-reflow in myocardial infarction and during elective procedure

14:5114:59 Stroke in pts undergoing PCI

14:5915:07 Pulmonary embolism in pts undergoing PCI

15:0715:12 Wrap-up

15:12–16:42 Room C. Forum on transcather aortic valve implantation: case review

15:1215:17 Learning objectives

15:1715:27 Case 1

15:2715:32 Discussion

15:3215:42 Case 2

15:4215:47 Discussion

15:4715:57 Case 3

15:5716:02 Discussion

16:0216:12 Case 4

16:1216:17 Discussion

16:1716:27 Case 5

16:2716:32 Discussion

16:3216:42 Take-home message

16:42–17:58 Room C. Session 4: Fractional flow reserve – when, whom and how?

16:4216:54 FFR: Basics indications and use in stable coronary cases

16:5417:06 FFR and/or iFR in MVD assessment

17:0617:18 Multivessel FFR assessment in acute coronary syndromes

17:1817:58 Live case 5. PCI in MV CAD with iFR and FFR

18.06–19.20 Room A+B. Live case broadcasts of our friendly centres

18:0618:46 Live case 6. A patient with multivessel coronary artery disease. Hungarian experience from Budapest

18:4619:26 Live case 7. A patient with multivessel coronary artery disease. Czech experience from Brno

19:2619:30 Wrap-up

17:58–19:23 Room C. Session 3. Left main disease – how to solve the problems optimally?

17:5818:13 Left main stenting – my favourite technique is provisional one but I like dedicated bifurcation stents very much…

18:1318:28 Two stents technique – overview and expert recommendation

18:2818:43 Intravascular imaging for bifurcation stenting: IVUS or OCT is better

18:4319:23 Live case 4. PCI in LMCA with IVUS/OCT

AIDA ROOM: Training Room Medtronic

Friday, 7th April, 2017

7:30–9:00 BOARDROOM. Meeting of the POLBOS 3 Study Investigators

Room A

9:00–11:15 Session 1. Selected Complex structural interventions from A to Z

9:00–9:05 Learning objectives

9:05–9:45 Life case 1. LAAC

9:45–10:00 Coarctation of aorta stenting in adults

10:00–10:15 PFO closure

10:15–10:30 Left atrial appendix closure in patient with AF

10:30–10:45 Coronary fistulas closure

10:45–11:00 Novel 3-D image fusionsoftware for guidance of complex catheterization in congenital heart diseases

11:00–11:10 Discussion

11:10–11:15 Take-home message

11:15–11:30 Coffee Break

Room B

9:0011:15 Session 2. Peripheral arteries revascularization

9:00–9:05 Learning objectives

9:05–9:17 Strategy of treatment in patients with concomitant atherosclerosis of coronary and carotid arteries

9:17–9:29 Transcatheter management of acute stroke

9:30–10:10 LIVE IN A BOX 1: (carotid or renal)

10:10–10:22 Overview of Subclavian and Innominate Artery Interventions

10:22–10:34 Renal Denervation. Current Status and Future Directions

10:34–10:46 How to treat patients with critical limb ischemia? Endovascular therapy vs surgical bypass

10:46–11:05 Discussion

11:05–11:15 Take-home message

11:15–11:30 Coffee Break

Room C

9:0010:10 session 3. Symposium: 2017`s update. What interventionist should know…

Session 1. Reality vs needs in intracoronary imaging

9:00–9:10 The reimbursement of intracoronary imaging in Poland – status quo and clinical examples

9:10–9:20 Left main PCI – a real indication for intravascular ultrasound

9:20–9:30 Early and late stent failure in OCT

9:30–9:40 Post transplant vascular allograft – for whom, how and when?

9:40–10:10 Live case 2. Left Main PCI


10:10–10:25 Left main stenting: landscape after NOBLE and EXCEL Trials. Is any need for further trials?

Room C

10:2511:35 Session 4. Coronary bioresorbable scaffolds – from concept to clinical outcomes

10:25–10:37 Technical aspects of BVS implantation

10:37–10:49 Clinical outcomes of BRS – in search of excellence

10:50–11:30 Live case 3. PCI with bioresorbable stents

11:30–11:35 Take-home message

11:10–11:30 Coffee Break

Room A

11:3013:00 Complications Session. My most complicated case

11:30–11:35 Session objectives

11:35–11:40 Case 1

11:40–11:43 Discussion

11:43–11:48 Case 2

11:48–11:51 Discussion

11:51–11:56 Case 3

11:56–11:59 Discussion

11:59–12:04 Case 4

12:04–12:07 Discussion

12:07–12:12 Case 5

12:12–12:15 Discussion

12:15–12:20 Case 6. TBD

12:20–12:23 Discussion

12:23–12:28 Case 7

12:28–12:31 Discussion

12:31–12:36 Case 8

12:36–12:39 Discussion

12:39–12:44 Take home message

12:45–13:25 Live case 4. PCI of calcified lesions

13:2513:40 Featured lecture. Magnetocardiography II: Differential diagnosis of coronary artery disease vs myocardial microangiopathy vs vulnerable coronary plaques

Room B

11:3013:05 Session 4. TAVI

11:30–11:35 Session objectives

11:35–12:20 Live case 5: TAVI (valve to be decided)

12:20–12:32 Who is a good candidate for TAVI – today’s practice

12:32–12:44 Intermediate and low risk patients – ready for prime time in 2017?

12:44–12:56 Brain protection during TAVI – are data in to use it in all patients?

12:56–13:08 Alternative approaches to TAVI

13:08–13:20 Long-term follow-up after TAVI: a word of concern?

13:20–13:25 Take-home message

Room C

11:30–15:00 Session 5. Interventional options for mitral regurgitation

11:30–11:40 Session objectives

11:40–11:55 Interventional treatment of functional mitral regurgitation – surgical point of view

11:55–12:10 Interventional treatment of functional mitral regurgitation – cardiologist’s point of view

12:10–12:25 Degenerative mitral regurgitation – is there a place for the transcatheter therapy?

12:25–12:40 Where is the limit? Borderline and chalanging mitral valve anatomy for the MitraClip device

12:40–13:55 Treatment of degenerative mitral regurgitation with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene cordal implantation device. Initial clinical experience

13:55–14:10 The central role of echocardiographic guidance for patient’s selection and procedure monitoring during MitraClip and Harpoon TSD-5 implantation

14:10–14:50 LIVE IN A BOX 2. MitraClip in a patient with functional mitral regurgitation

14:50–15:00 Take-home mesage

AIDA ROOM: Training Room Medtronic