Vol 71, No 4 (2020)
Review article
Published online: 2020-12-30

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Extreme traveler

Krzysztof Korzeniewski12
Pubmed: 33394494
IMH 2020;71(4):281-290.


Although they may pose a serious health risk or may even turn out to be life-threatening, extreme sports, i.e. high-risk physical activities of varied difficulty, are growing in popularity among international travelers in recent years. Extreme sports encompass a wide range of activities such as scuba diving, rafting, surfing, bungee jumping and mountaineering. It is not unusual for travelers to engage in extreme sports far off the beaten path, in destinations where environmental conditions are difficult and specialist healthcare is not easily available. Therefore, before taking the decision to engage in any form of adventurous activity, travelers should be encouraged to take certain precautionary measures. The most important are: identification of potential health risk factors related to travel or the activity itself, physical conditioning and fitness training prior to travel (depending on the type of activity) and prophylaxis (a travel health kit, mandatory and recommended vaccinations, a pre-travel consultation to assess a person’s fitness to travel and identify any potential contraindications for certain types of adventure sports, a comprehensive travel insurance policy). The article focuses on popular extreme sports, common risk factors associated with extreme activities as well as the recommended prophylaxis and precautionary measures.

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