Vol 71, No 4 (2020)
Review article
Published online: 2020-12-30

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Effects of COVID-19 on maritime industry: a review

Devran Yazir1, Bekir Şahin1, Tsz Leung Yip2, Po-Hsing Tseng3
Pubmed: 33394490
IMH 2020;71(4):253-264.


COVID-19 is a global disease that has quickly shaken the world economy since the beginning of 2020 and consequently has significantly affected the shipping industries development (including shipping operators, port operators, government authorities, shippers, seafarers, passengers, supply chain operators, etc.). Currently, the clinical management of COVID-19 remains unclear. In order to understand the newest challenges and figure out potential solutions for the maritime industries post COVID-19, this paper selected four shipping industries (including dry bulk, tanker, container, and cruiser sector) and reviewed these industries’ newest development. The research findings can strengthen the awareness of COVID-19 and reduce operational risk and further improve business performance for the maritime related industries and authorities.

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