Vol 58, No 1-4 (2007)
Published online: 2010-03-26
The prevention and management of seafarers’ fatigue: a review
Int Marit Health 2007;58(1-4):167-177.
Global concern about the extent of seafarer fatigue is widely evident across the
shipping industry. This paper provides an evaluation of the extent to which fatigue can
be prevented and managed. Given the diversity of activities undertaken in the maritime
sector, and the different profiles of fatigue risk factors in different work groups, it is
clear that a range of strategies will need to be implemented.
One conclusion from the review is that current legislation and guidance on fatigue
has not had the desired effect. The way forward is to treat seafarers’ fatigue as a serious
health and safety issue. A starting point must be to take a more robust approach to
regulation. Manning levels need to be addressed in a realistic way that prevents
economic advantage accruing to those operating at bare minimum and the issue of false
record-keeping requires urgent attention. This must be supplemented with appropriate
training and guidance regarding avoidance of fatigue and the creation of optimum
working conditions. Lessons can be learned from other transport industries and it is
important to seek examples of best practice and apply these in an effective way to the
maritime sector. Methods of addressing issues specific to seafaring are now well
developed and a holistic approach to the problem of fatigue can lead to a culture that
benefits the industry as a whole.