Vol 64, No 4 (2005)
Original article
Published online: 2005-09-20
The results of compression forces applied to the isolated human calvaria
Folia Morphol 2005;64(4):321-325.
Data for the force necessary to fracture the isolated calvaria (skull cap) are not
available in the extant literature. Twenty dry adult calvaria were tested to failure
quasistatically at the vertex using a 15-kN load cell. The forces necessary to
fracture or cause diastasis of calvarial sutures were then documented and gross
examination of the specimens made. Failure forces had a mean measurement of
2772 N. Initial fractures did not cross suture lines. Prior to complete destruction
of the calvaria there were 7 specimens in which all sutures of the calvaria became
diastatic, 6 specimens in which the calvaria became diastatic along only
the coronal sutures, 2 specimens in which the calvaria became diastatic along
only the sagittal suture and 5 specimens in which there were diagonal linear
parietal bone fractures. Our hopes are that these data may contribute to the
structural design of more safer protective devices for use in our society, assist in
predicting injury and aid in the construction of treatment paradigms.
Keywords: skullfracturequantitationtrauma