Evaluating the quality of medical content on YouTube: an analysis of chest tube procedures
INTRODUCTION: Chest tube insertion is a vital procedure for managing pneumothorax, haemothorax, and pleural effusion, requiring precise training for effective outcomes. Platforms like YouTube provide accessible educational content, but their unregulated nature raises concerns about accuracy. Evaluating the quality and relevance of these videos is essential to determine their value as training tools. This study assesses YouTube’s potential as an educational resource for chest tube insertion, a critical interventional procedure.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted, analysing 136 English-language videos on chest tube insertion published between 2016 and 2024. Videos were selected using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria, categorized based on their source, and evaluated for procedural accuracy and visual representation using a structured 10-point scoring system.
RESULTS: The findings revealed that healthcare professionals and official institutions were the primary producers of the videos. However, video quality did not significantly differ based on the source. Longer videos provided more comprehensive procedural information and visual detail. Metrics such as views, likes, and comments varied widely but showed no correlation with video quality scores.
CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that while YouTube provides an accessible platform for medical education, its unregulated nature presents challenges in ensuring content quality and reliability. Collaborative efforts between healthcare organizations and content creators are crucial for developing standardized guidelines to improve the educational value of online resources. Additionally, integrating media literacy training into medical education programs is essential to equip healthcare professionals with the skills needed to critically evaluate and effectively utilize online content.
Keywords: chest tubepulmonary surgical proceduresmedical educationhealth literacyYouTube
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