Recent articles
Pharmacological pain management approach for children in the emergency settings: a systematic review
Yazeed Saad Alsubaie, Mohammed Ali Alzahrani, Ammar Abdullah Alshams
Review paper
Marek Solecki, Malgorzata Kietlinska, Michal Pruc, Lukasz Szarpak, Basar Cander, Burak Katipoglu, Grazyna Nowak-Starz
Research paper
Will human metapneumovirus represent a considerable threat to the world in the future?
Basar Cander, Andrzej Krupa, Michal Pruc, Bernard Rybczynski, Lukasz Szarpak
Michal Pruc, Jacek Kublica, Lukasz Szarpak, Damian Swieczkowski, Piotr Niezgoda
Research paper
Enhancing in-flight medical response: the importance of physicians in managing airborne emergencies
Gopi Battineni, Nalini Chintalapudi, Marzio Di Canio, Francesco Amenta
Review paper
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