Current issue

Vol 9, No 3 (2024)

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ISSN: 2451-4691 e-ISSN: 2543-5957

Recent articles

Review paper2024, sep 25

Artificial intelligence for the prediction of health emergencies and disasters

Paula Andrea Ramos Chaparro, Erwin Hernando Hernández Rincón, Gabriela Alejandra Osorio Betancourt, Nicolas Melo Sierra, María del Mar Moreno Gómez, Claudia Liliana Jaimes Peñuela

Online first

Review paper

Research paper2024, sep 16
Research paper2024, sep 16

Medical Simulation Center activity and knowledge transfer during the COVID-19 pandemic

Piotr Ziemak, Marek Dabrowski, Mateusz Puslecki, Agata Dabrowska, Bartlomiej Perek, Ryszard Marciniak

Vol 9, No 3 (2024)

Research paper

Disaster Emerg Med J 2024;9(3):174-185.
Letter to the Editor2024, sep 12

Urgent need for enhanced surveillance and research on Nipah virus

Julia Krotofil, Oskar Szymanski, Michal Pruc, Magdalena Grzesiak, Lukasz Szarpak

Vol 9, No 3 (2024)

Letter to the Editor

Disaster Emerg Med J 2024;9(3):147-148.

See more


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