Gender differences in adaptation to insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes
Background: This study aims to investigate if there aregender differences in cognitive, behavioral and emotional response to switching over to insulin treatmentin adults with type 2 diabetes.
Material and methods: Cognitive appraisal (questionnaire KOS), coping strategies (CHIP) and emotions (PANAS) were assessed among 278 patients (F = 148,M = 130) one month after conversion to insulin treatment.
Results: Results showed that women reported morenegative appraisal, instrumental- and emotion-oriented behaviors than did men. There’s no differences inemotions. In addition, patients generally expressed stronger perception of their health condition in termsof challenge, more emotion-oriented coping strategies and higher levels of negative emotions.
Conclusions: Gender differences play an important antrole in adjustment to insulin treatment.
Keywords: gender differencescognitive appraisalcoping strategiesemotionsinsulin treatment