Vol 24, No 2 (2020)
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Published online: 2020-06-01

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Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and pulse wave velocity in patients with controlled systemic hypertension — a preliminary report

Andreea Varga12, Teodor Zah3, Claudia Floriana Suciu1, Dorina Nastasia Petra45, Corneliu Florin Buicu6
Arterial Hypertension 2020;24(2):67-73.


Background. Increased arterial stiffness assessed by pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurement is a marker of arterial
wall dysfunction and has an independent predictive value for adverse cardiovascular outcomes. A positive correlation between the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and PWV has been reported in chronic inflammatory conditions and the general population as well.

Furthermore, an association between NLR and PWV has been assumed in hypertensive patients. However, the available data are scarce.

The objective of the study was to validate the association between NLR and PWV in a homogenous group of controlled-hypertensive patients without chronic inflammatory conditions.

Material and methods. A retrospective observational study was conducted in outpatient cardiology and a general practice. A total number of 25 already on-target treated essential hypertensive, non-diabetic and non-chronic kidney disease (non-CKD) patients were selected. PWV was automatically calculated for each patient using the ABPM BPLab® device. The following laboratory data were collected: complete blood count, fibrinogen, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, uric acid, serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, iron, calcium, and creatinine.

Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio was calculated. Antihypertensive treatment classes were also assessed.

Results. A correlation between increased NLR and PWV in a homogenous group of controlled-hypertensive patients
was identified.

Conclusions. There is an evident relation between increased NLR and increased PWV in controlled hypertensive
patients without evidence of chronic inflammatory conditions.

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