Vol 3, No 3 (1999)
Published online: 2000-03-09
Diagnostic Algorhythms in Selected Forms of Secondary Hypertension
Nadciśnienie tętnicze 1999;3(3):147-154.
In this paper algorhythms are presented, which may be helpful in the diagnosis of selected secondary forms of arterial
hypertension such as: renoparenchymal and renovascular
hypertension, primary hyperaldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and hypercortisolism. Some sophisticated diagnostic procedures are reserved only to highly specialized clinical centres. In this paper the importance of pathophysiological thinking is stressed which should be based on
a detailed anamnesis, physical examination of the patient
and rational interpretation of laboratory findings.
Keywords: renoparenchymal hypertensionrenovascularhypertensionConn's SyndromeCushing syndromepheochromocytoma