Costs of Hypertension in Poland
Results The average cost per hypertensive patient per year was calculated at 1570 PLN. The total burden of hypertension in Poland, estimated on the basis of PENT study population analysis, may reach 14 billion PLN (14 ´ 109 PLN) per year. The distribution of total costs is as follows: pharmacological treatment — 10,2%, doctors’ consultations — 30,8%, laboratory and diagnostic tests — 11,4%, hospitalisations — 21,0%, and productivity losses — 26,6%. An international comparison demonstrated that expenditure resulting from the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in Poland was much smaller than in other countries (i.e. Sweden — 53,3%, and USA — 20,7%). Theoretically, the total societal burden of hypertension per resident per year amounts to 31 USD in Sweden, 82 USD in United States and 88 USD in Poland (according to the exchange rate on 21.01.2000 — 1 USD = 4,0757 PLN).
Conclusion The results of the analysis show that hypertension constitutes a high economic burden for the Polish population. The cost of pharmacological treatment represents the lowest percentage of the total costs of hypertension and also the lowest part of direct medical costs. The conclusion is that an optimal allocation of expenditure for pharmacological treatment may contribute to a significant reduction in total costs of hypertension following the example of other European countries (eg. Sweden) as well as the United States.
Keywords: hypertensioncost of illnessburden of diseasedirect medical costsindirect costs