Vol 10, No 2 (2006)
Published online: 2006-04-18
Treatment of arterial hypertension in pregnant women
Nadciśnienie tętnicze 2006;10(2):83-98.
In the treatment of arterial hypertension in pregnancy still
there are no agreed and widely approved standards to be
followed. Influence of the therapy on both the mother and
the child altogether with a lack of big randomized trials
lead to conclusion that the optimal solution is a cooperation
between the gynecologists, obstetricians and specialists
in hypertension based on the sum of their experience.
Antihypertensives used in pregnancy are methyldopa,
labetalol, β-blockers, calcium channel blockers and hydralazine.
Among them only methyldopa can be used
safely during the whole pregnancy period which was confirmed
by the long-term observations. In mild hypertension
in pregnancy the pharmacological treatment may not
be necessary providing that sufficient control of state of
both the mother and the child is secured.
Keywords: arterial hypertensionpregnancyantihypertensives