Vol 11, No 6 (2007)
Review paper
Published online: 2007-10-09
Role of magnesium in hypertension
Nadciśnienie tętnicze 2007;11(6):536-544.
Deficiency of magnesium, which is a relevant intracellular
cation, may play an important role in etiology and course
of hypertension. Even if the magnesium blood concentration
is normal, its depleted intracellular concentration may
lead to hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Hypomagnesemia
causes functional impairment of endothelium and
vessel smooth muscle tissue leading to increased peripheral
This article discusses the role of hypomagnesemia in hypertension
related to adrenal cortex pathology,
preeclampsia and chronic alcoholism.
Magnesium supplementation decreases the risk of primary
hypertension, metabolic syndrome, as well as enhances the
treatment of hypertension and certain types of secondary hypertension.
Not all patients with hypertension get profit from
magnesium supplementation, what illustrates multifactoral
etiology of hypertension. Magnesium supplementation may
be used as addition to hypertension therapy (especially based
on diuretics) in preeclampsia, hypertension in chronic alcoholism,
as well as in arrhythmia prevention.
Arterial Hypertension 2007, vol. 11, no 6, pages 536-544.
Arterial Hypertension 2007, vol. 11, no 6, pages 536-544.
Keywords: hypertensionmagnesiumprimary aldosteronismpreeclampsia