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Tom 21 (2023): Continuous Publishing
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Opublikowany online: 2023-11-06

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Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Medical confidentiality in the work of a urologist, andrologist and sexologist — special situations

Krzysztof Kowalik1, Paulina Janik2, Andrzej Modrzejewski1
Journal of Sexual and Mental Health 2023;21:28-33.


The authors of this paper discuss the scope of medical confidentiality in terms of the urologist, andrologist and sexologist. They draw attention to special situations such as the problem of male infertility or other sexual problems in a relationship and the obligation of medical confidentiality. The paper also addresses the issue of how to deal with a patient under the age of 18 with intimate problems. The paper reviews the legislation addressing the aspect of medical confidentiality in everyday situations in the practice of urologists, andrologists and sexologists, taking into account special situations.

The issues discussed include medical confidentiality in the use of data related to the patient and his/her procedure, the use of medical records for educational and scientific activities and the presence of bystanders during the medical examination, issues related to photo and video documentation of the procedure. The article covers topics related to medical confidentiality that will also be useful for doctors of other specialties.

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