English Polski
Vol 21 (2023): Continuous Publishing
Research paper
Published online: 2023-11-06

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Sex education in teachers opinion

Weronika Klon1, Katarzyna Waszyńska2, Martyna Faustyna Zachorska3
J Sex Ment Health 2023;21:34-40.


Introduction: Sex education as an element of the entire upbringing process should take place both at home and in schools. Properly implemented, it supports human development, but it should be adapted to the developmental possibilities defined for a given age. In Poland, it is implemented in schools in the form of the subject of Preparation for Family Life, which has become the subject of many analyses pointing to numerous omissions and mistakes.

Material and methods: The research was conducted in the form of the authors’ own paper questionnaires on a group of 46 female teachers. The aim of the research was to verify their views on sex education and its role in their professional life. The questions concerned the perceived needs and difficulties related to the teaching of sex education in the education system. Opinions were also asked on the appropriate age at which particular topics should be introduced.

Results: Most of the respondents stated that they needed knowledge about sex education in their professional work and that they expand it using various sources. The most frequently chosen sources of difficulties were the lack of teaching aids and parental resistance. The respondents also pointed out that parents, teachers and professionals should be most responsible for the sex education of children and adolescents.

Conclusions: Despite the fact that the majority of participants’ answers regarding the best age to discuss certain topics in the field of sex education are consistent with the WHO guidelines in this regard, there is a need to increase the preparation of teachers in this aspect. This should concern both the aspect of knowledge and competences and skills and can contribute to greater care of sexual health for the next generations.

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