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Vol 19 (2021): Seksuologia Polska
Review paper
Published online: 2021-05-31

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Recognizing the victims of child sexual abuse and future implications for individual children

Bogumiła Szewczak1, Emil Bartosz Rozenek2, Alicja Cichocka2, Karolina Michałowska, Wiktor Orlof3, Napolen Waszkiewicz3
Seksuologia Polska 2021;19.


The problem of child sexual exploitation is a difficult topic in many aspects. The current global situation related to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has contributed to reducing the detection of many forms of violence, including those against children. The detection of predisposing factors and alarming symptoms that can increase the vigilance of a pediatrician often involves careful examination and proper conversation with the caregiver, since it is he/she who spends the most time with a small patient and who can provide a lot of information about the behavioral changes of the child over time. However, it is important to be careful when formulating questions because the majority of child abusers are the people from the immediate surroundings of their victims. It is also crucial to be able to notice somatic symptoms and to assess the child's behavior at the doctor's office. Delays in recognizing victims of child abuse as well as time delayed psychological support can entail multiple negative consequences, in particular those related to mental health. Adults abused in their childhood have difficulties in maintaining long-lasting relationships and they struggle more often with eating disorders and mood swings.

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