English Polski
Vol 15, No 2 (2017)
Review paper
Published online: 2018-02-04

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HIV-related stigma, health of people living with HIV and attitudes towards testing

Magdalena Mijas, Karolina Koziara, Marta Dora
DOI: 10.5603/73-80
Seksuologia Polska 2017;15(2).


The paper addresses the issue of HIV stigmatization and its practical implications in two areas crucial for public health and new infections prophylaxis. Literature review begins with contemporary sociological stigma theory and discussion of the psychological perspective of stigmatization processes, present both in the experience of people living with HIV and in general population. Paper continues with research reports showing the important relationships between social stigmatization processes and attitudes towards HIV testing, as well as the experience of exclusion and the widely understood health of people living with HIV. The review highlights the importance of stigma reduction in HIV prevention, which can be beneficial not only in handling epidemic but also in other settings of social exclusion.

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