English Polski
Vol 14, No 2 (2016)
Research paper
Published online: 2016-12-29

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Sexual offenders self-efficacy, aceptance of resposibility and empathy for victims — verification Pathway Offense Classifications sexual offenders

Donata Szalbierz
DOI: 10.5603/71-78
Seksuologia Polska 2016;14(2).


INTRODUCTION: Reports from the research indicate a significant role of perceived self-efficacy in initiation and maintenance of therapy. This research was conducted in order to compare the level of this resource among sexual offenders group with different therapy’s status (before, during and after therapy). Moreover the study focuses on verifying usefulness of the Self-Regulation Pathway Classifications as variable differentiate therapy’s effect indicators: acceptance of responsibility and empathy for victims.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted among 29 respondents: prisoners jailed in therapeutic system due to the sexual offense. To measure the level of variable presented in introduction there have been used the questionnaire of Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale and interview based on criteria of the Therapist Racing Scale’s. Furthermore, to determine the pathways types chosen by offenders conducted the interview based on The Self- Regulation Coding Protocol and additional indicators constructed to it.

RESULTS: The level of perceived self-efficacy significant differentiates sexual offenders participated in therapy and those waiting for treating. Offenders presented active-avoidant pathway of offense obtained the highest level of acceptance of responsibility and empathy for victims. Offenders regulated by active-approach pathway of offense were least likely to express personal responsibility in offense and empathy.

CONCLUSIONS: Both of measured variable: perceived self-efficacy and pathway offense proposed by The Self-Regulation Model occurred to be the significant predictor of expecting differences. Observed disproportion in intensity of therapy’s effects (acceptance of responsibility, empathy for victims) is coherent with the characteristics of pathways offense.


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