Specificity of sexual disorders (pedophilia) treatment and experience of the treated ones
In the text author presents the perception of therapy by preferential perpetrators of sexual offenses against children. Perpetrators commit those sexual behaviors due to the sexual preference disorders in the form of pedophilia (ICD-10 — F65.4; DSM-V — 302.2). The article is a summary of original research, which contain the result of a conversation with pedophiles about their treatment. The purpose of the work is to focus attention to the issue of treating perpetrators of sexual offenses related to their personal beliefs. Respondents often experience therapy by building and shaping therapeutic relationships and they attribute it to great importance in the process of change. Empirical qualitative research data contains not only and the characteristic nature of the treatment process, but also its subjectivity — it reveals the need for trust and relationships with the therapist. It turns out that the perpetrators declare their willingness to learn about their sexuality; they relate to the experienced therapy and stress the involvement and perceive support outside the isolation as a factor of great importance. The work can be seen as a critical reflection on the therapy process.
Keywords: sexual disorderspedophiliapsychoterapy