Sex robots in China. The development of technology facing the society’s morals
The article presents a look at the issues of sex robots and the prospects on the development of this technology in the People's Republic of China. To analyze the given dilemma, the author presents media reports about the creation and expansion of the sex robot market. The paper introduces premises related to the issue of love present in contemporary Western philosophy. Ideas shown are later compared with predictions and theories shown in works on intimate relationships with artificial entities. To examine the possible attitude towards sex robots in the contemporary PRC, the author refers to classic Chinese Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist texts,
as well as contemporary sexological research conducted in the PRC. The summary contains conclusions drawn on the basis of observation and interpretation of the presented texts, as well as an attempt to illustrate the possible attitude of the Chinese to the development of sex robot technology in the future.
Keywords: sexsexologysex-robotsChinaloveethicsethical issuespersonhood
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